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When is the last time you really talked about your genital health?

Gynecological and sexual health is often hard to discuss, even though most women simply want to be healthy and informed about this aspect of their life.

Ask about Gyne /OB.


Vaginal muscle, like any other muscle group, needs to be maintained and exercised to keep the area well toned and healthy.

Benefits: - Improve your sexual enjoyment
- Maintain vaginal health
- Prevent or decrease urine leakage
- Prevent vaginal wall weakness (prolapse)

We have found that using biofeedback is more helpful than simple Kegel exercises. Never do Kegels by stopping your urine flow as described by some. This is not effective and can in fact cause long term voiding problems.

Biofeedback helps you focus on the correct muscles. Sometimes when you think that you are contracting or squeezing your vagina muscles, you are only squeezing your buttock (gluteal) muscles. To use Biofeedback, you insert a dilator or candle all the way into your vagina.

The exercise program below will only be beneficial if done regularly. Effects will not be felt immediately, but can take 4-6 months.

At the beginning, please use the dilator or candle each time so that you can appreciate which muscles to contract (biofeedback). Eventually, you will only need to use the dilator or candle occasionally to remind you.

You can eventually do these exercises while driving or even at a meeting. No one will know. Your smile will not give you away!


Call us, or come to the centre. We are open Thu-Sat 9:00am -9:00pm.

Our phone number is 04 379 8747.


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  • Cardiology
  • Dentistry
  • Dermatology
  • Diagnostic Laboratory
  • Ear Nose & Throat
  • General Surgery
  • Obstetrics & Gynecology
  • Orthopedic Surgery
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