When is the last time you really talked about your genital health?
Gynecological and sexual health is often hard to discuss, even though most women simply want to be healthy and informed about this aspect of their life.
Ask about Gyne /OB.
Constipation - Consternation
Constipation can be a frustrating problem. It all comes down to helping your bowel to be regular and soft, and to avoid those headaches. Getting into a regular bowel routine, giving it a little daily attention and care will make your day, every day.
Try this breakfast recipe (see below). It may take a week or so to establish a good bowel routine.
Key Points:
- Drink a large glass of water when you wake up, then drink 6-8 cups of water daily. (Excessive water consumption will only make you urinate more frequently, with no other proven benefit)
- Try to exercise daily: This helps with bowel stimulation. Aerobic exercise is especially helpful: Fast walking or running. Imagine exercise as helping to jiggle your stomach and bowel to get things moving down.
- Eating fruit and vegetables every day is healthy and very "bowel friendly". Take a bag of washed raw veggies to work. When you feel like a snack, have a bunch of carrots or celery sticks. Mix it up a little!
- Try not to focus on your bowel….all will come out eventually.
- Managing your constipation needs a long term commitment. Don’t get into a stop-start management scenario. You may have to do the above for weeks before you see constant results.
- Never delay a bowel movement. If you feel the urge to go, go immediately.
Mix Kellogg’s All Bran Buds with Psyllium and Dorset Cereals (use more bran buds than Dorset cereal.)
Seeds:- Raw (unsalted and NOT roasted) sunflower seeds
- Raw pumpkin seeds (Pepita seeds); they are the flat green seeds
[Mix 1 cup of each in a Tupperware container, shake (with the lid on!) to mix]
(Optional extra: Add 1 tablespoon of milled (ground) Golden flax seed to each bowl of cereal (helps digestion, Cholesterol and has Omega 3 fats…all good for you)
Add 2 heaped tablespoons of the seeds to 1 cup of the cereal. Add milk or fruit juice.
You can add a handful of berries and Yoghurt to round of a nutritious and delicious breakfast!

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