Schedule an Appointment : +(9714) 3798747
Mole Removal
Gynecologist Dubai
OB Gyne
Dermatology Dubai
STD Testing
Dermatologist Dubai

When is the last time you really talked about your genital health?

Gynecological and sexual health is often hard to discuss, even though most women simply want to be healthy and informed about this aspect of their life.

Ask about Gyne /OB.

Leep / Laser Care Instructions

Please take care after the LASER / LEEP / CONE procedure. You may experience cramping, discharge or bleeding. Read the following carefully and feel free to call if you have concerns.

  • Do not use tampons for 6 weeks following LASER / LEEP / CONE treatment.
  • Do not have intercourse for 6 weeks following the procedure.
  • Do not douche.(ever)
  • Showering is preferred for the first 4 weeks.
  • Use Premarin vaginal cream (Estrogen) ½ applicator – 1 gram daily in the vagina alternating with Clindamycin Vaginal cream (Dalacin) for 2 weeks.
  • (One night Premarin, the next Dalacin).
  • You may have a vaginal discharge with blood in it for several weeks and this should be considered normal. Even a moderate amount of bleeding may begin several days after your procedure but this is usually present for only 2-3 days.
  • If the bleeding is severe (anytime, especially day 7-14); >1 pad/hour for more than 3 hours, please call here, or go to the ER if we are not available.
  • Please return for a repeat colposcopy in 3 months (or sooner depending on the specific instructions we give you). It is important that you do not have a pap test elsewhere before that visit. We may see you after 4 weeks to examine you for any post operative adhesions on the cervix.
  • You can use Ibuprofen 400 mg every 6-8 hours after the procedure for cramping (or use Tylenol if you have an allergy to Aspirin or anti- inflammatories).
  • If you develop a fever, lower abdominal / pelvic pain or feel unwell, please call the clinic, come in or go to the ER.
  • If you have any concerns, please call the clinic.


Call us, or come to the centre. We are open Thu-Sat 9:00am -9:00pm.

Our phone number is 04 379 8747.


About Gynecoloty and Obstetrics

Caffeine During Pregnancy

DoctorNow that I'm pregnant, do I have to stop drinking coffee and avoid other sources of caffeine?
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The importance of getting an annual physical


Dr. Doug Lipperd, discusses the importance of an annual physical.


  • Cardiology
  • Dentistry
  • Dermatology
  • Diagnostic Laboratory
  • Ear Nose & Throat
  • General Surgery
  • Obstetrics & Gynecology
  • Orthopedic Surgery
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