Schedule an Appointment : +(9714) 3798747
Mole Removal
Gynecologist Dubai
OB Gyne
Dermatology Dubai
STD Testing
Dermatologist Dubai

When is the last time you really talked about your genital health?

Gynecological and sexual health is often hard to discuss, even though most women simply want to be healthy and informed about this aspect of their life.

Ask about Gyne /OB.

The Vulva


Let's face it, the vulva is like no other part of your body. Being comfortable and confident with this area will allow you to be truly satisfied during both daily and sexual activities. If you have a rash, pain, discharge, itching, an odour, bleeding or if you are not happy with the way it looks or feels, your inner being can be turned upside down. The way you feel about your vulva and your desire and capacity for sex are intimately linked.


There is so much you can do to help maintain the vulva area. Depending on your personal preferences, you can use natural skin protectors and moisturizers, hair grooming with waxing, shaving, trimming and laser hair removal and general common sense care. If you have sensitive skin, this is especially important.


Call us, or come to the centre. We are open Thu-Sat 9:00am -9:00pm.

Our phone number is 04 379 8747.


About Gynecoloty and Obstetrics

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  • Cardiology
  • Dentistry
  • Dermatology
  • Diagnostic Laboratory
  • Ear Nose & Throat
  • General Surgery
  • Obstetrics & Gynecology
  • Orthopedic Surgery
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